Audio Implementation

Unity Integration

In my past game audio endeavors, I've used Wwise for audio implementation. I took (and highly recommend) their awesome online training courses , and even got a certification myself. For this project, I decided to delve into FMOD. All music and sound effects were created, mixed, and implemented by me using FL Studio, FMOD, and Unity. I used the 3D Gamekit Lite Unity project for simple level design and gameplay. Here is a video showing the final product.

Click the button below if you'd like to read a comprehensive description of the techniques used:

Audio Programming

"Synthfant" simple synthesizer plugin written in C++

JUCE and C++

Using the JUCE framework, I designed and coded a simple synthesizer plugin. This project was a great learning experience, from a technical audio perspective, as well as a creative and musical perspective. I created a series of videos to document the process and illustrate some common design patterns relevant to C++ and the JUCE framework. You can view the video series on my Youtube channel:

Sound Effects and Music

Sound Design

In this video, I outline my process for sound design, as it pertains to creating game sound effects. I cover topics such as synthesis, sampling, layering, and processing. Let's make some noise!

Composing, Mixing, and Mastering

Next, I delve into arranging, mixing, and mastering the interactive music I composed for the Unity demo above.